Tag: X Kingdom

  • Day 39 – Chiang Mai to Pai

    Today we left Chiang Mai to go further north to the town of Pai. Our hostel X Kingdom had arranged the journey. After breakfast an empty Songthaew (shared taxi) picked us up and proceeded to pick up several other tourists. With the Songthaew full (like super full, due to ~10 people and everyone’s bags) we […]

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  • Day 38 – Chiang Mai

    Today was a quite day were we walked down the street to a coin laundry recommended by X Kindgom Hostel. While waiting, we ended up talking to an English teacher, who highly recommended teaching English as an income source there. It turns out he was also staying at our hostel. Ideas forming! He was a […]

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  • Day 36 – Chiang Mai

    Today we woke up night and early for our pre-booked tour. The pick up time was 7am which was before X Kingdom offered breakfast so we decided to discontinue our boycott of the McDonald’s Corporation and eat there, as unfortunately it was the only thing open. The boycott only started earlier this year after watching […]

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  • Day 35 – Chiang Mai

    Today we went on a hike along a path called The Monk’s Trail, so we got a Grab to the drop off point, which is close to Palaad Restaurant. From there it was a steep incline uphill. We ended up walking past the rear of the Chiang Mai zoo. Upon asking the staff at the […]

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  • Day 34 – Sukhothai to Chiang Mai

    Today we took the Bus from Sukhothai Old Town Bus Stop to Chiang Mai Bus Terminal. It was the same company (big blue buses) that we used from Bangkok to Sukhothai New Town. The bus stopped at various points along the way. We typically had a bathroom break or bought some snacks. Once we got […]

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