Tag: Tokyo

  • Day 51 – Tokyo

    Today we went to Asakusa’s Tobu Tourist Information Center to pick up our Nikko Pass which we had ordered online from Bangkok. Getting to Asakusa station was easy, but then finding the Tobu Tourist Information Centre wasn’t. The Tobu station is a separate building around 100-200 meters away from the exit of the main Subway […]

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  • Day 50 – Tokyo

    After an exhausting day yesterday, we woke up late again, and went to brunch close by our accommodation at a Japanese fast food franchise called Sukiya. The food was actually really cheap and tasty. From there we walked towards the closest Subway station, where we bought the Tokyo Subway 48 hour pass, which gives us […]

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  • Day 48 – Part 2 – Tokyo, JAPAN

    As lightning pierced the night sky in the distance as the plane approached Japan we were expecting a rough landing in Tokyo. However as we got closer, all we could see were lights from the city which seemed to go one forever, regardless of the direction the plane turned. This is one massive city. We […]

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