Tag: South Korea

  • Day 75 – Seoul

    Today we did laundry which was well overdue. When we first asked our hotel they mentioned that there is a free washing machine / dryer in the kitchen that we can use. We were thinking “score!” Since all the controls were in Korean and the staff didn’t speak too much English, we used a combination […]

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  • Day 74 – Seoul

    Today we walked down the beautiful streets (thanks to the autumn colours) towards the Hangang River. The river has extensive walking and cycling paths that were full of locals, from joggers to the elderly. It was cool to walk along the river. The contrast of the massive bridges against the trees is quite stunning. The […]

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  • Day 72 – Seoul

    Today we started the day at the Seoul City Hall, which is a very cool looking building. We could hear a lot of commotion close by, so we walked around the building and stubbled upon the 5th Seoul Kim Chi Festival (where else!). The festival was decorated nicely using cabbages and had a massive area […]

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  • Day 71 – Seoul

    Today we decided to finish what we started yesterday, so we went back to the Korean War Memorial. What we saw today, were the upper levels that were dedicated to the recent Korean War. It was once again very powerful and thought provoking. There was even a brief exhibit on the Vietnam War, which was […]

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  • Day 70 – Seoul

    Today we ended up struggling to get out of bed opting to stay in the warm dorm rooms of That House Itaewon. After planning our stay in Seoul for the next few days we decided to go to the Korean War Memorial. The War Memorial is a very large complex with large exhibits which are […]

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  • Day 69 – Part 2 – Seoul, SOUTH KOREA

    We landed in Incheon Airport in South Korea full of excitement after an amazing 3 weeks in Japan. After clearing customs we were glad to see that all signs and forms were translated into English which made life easier. The tourist info centre in the airport helped us work out the best way to get […]

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