Tag: Bangkapi

  • Day 42 – Bangkok

    Our hotel Baron Zotel Bangkok is actually one street away from the first place we stayed in Bangkok which was Baron Residence Bangkok, probably the same company. We packed our bags and checked out of the Zotel. The Zotel actually have a tuk tuk service that takes customers to the main road, so leaving our […]

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  • Day 28 – Bangkok

    Today was another day of planning our Thailand master plan. Nothing really happened to report. We walked around Bangkapi near our accommodation and ended up having dinner at the same place as last night since the owner was so friendly and the food was delicious. Feeling regret since we should do more planning in advanced, […]

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  • Day 27 – Bangkok THAILAND

    We landed at Bangkok Airport with no plans on what to do in Thailand. After clearing customs we got a SIM card and then went to the Information Centre at the airport and worked out how to get to our accommodation, Baron Residence Bangkok. This required us to take a train from within the airport […]

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