Day 94 – Hong Kong

Today we woke up early and went to check out the Po Lin Monastery and the Tian Tan Buddha on Lantau Island. The Monastery is a large structure, in typical Chinese architecture. Certain areas are closed off to tourists, but were nice to view from outside. One of the impressive things at the temple are the massive incense sticks which are at least one metre tall.

We then went to the Tian Tan Buddha, which involves climbing a set of stairs to reach the giant statue. The statue itself is impressive and the views are also nice. However, the skies opened up and it started to rain. We went back to the YHA Ngong Ping SG Davis Youth Hostel and checked out. We went to the bus station which luckily had undercover shelter. Unfortunately there was a massive line, and we were just outside of the shelter.

We had to catch two buses (23 and e23) back to the Mahjong Hostel and checked into the dorm room. Then we walked to the Hong Kong Museum of History. The museum was very cool, with a history going back from 400,000,000 years ago right up to the British Invasion, WWII and Hong Kong rejoining main land China, which was interesting to learn about.

We then walked back, and met some cool people at the hostel. We ended up chilling until 2am chatting to everyone.