Day 93 – Hong Kong

Today we left our hostel, The Mahjong and took the bus to Lantau Island. This involved two buses. The first was the standard double decker bus, you see around town, but the second was a fully packed single decker bus. We had to stand up with all our luggage. And to make things worse, the roads were so winding that by the time we were able to sit down my arms were so sore.

The bus dropped us off on Lantau Island near the Tian Tan Buddha. We walked past it, towards the YHA Ngong Ping SG Davis Youth Hostel. Once we were there we found the gate locked. We had to wait one hour until the staff member returned from lunch (We ended up calling the number provided on, which was the Youth Hostel’s Head office somewhere else, and when they called the staff member, he had told them he had to leave on an emergency. However, we had also talked to another customer who was locked in, and he told us the staff member had gone to lunch. BUSTED!!!). One annoying thing about the YHA Ngong Ping SG Davis Youth Hostel is that you have to pay extra for not being a member, which isn’t mentioned on the Website.

After settling into the room, we went to do a short hike recommended by the hostel staff member known on google Maps as the Ngong Ping 360 Rescue Trail. The hike was cool, with views of the mountains, cities, airport, Tian Tan Buddha and Wisdom Path. The circular path also goes under the cable cars which is nice. All in all a pretty comprehensive set of things to view.

We then walked to the Wisdom Walk, which does a small figure 8 loop and has the Heart Sutra carved into large wooden posts. Unfortunately it was in Chinese, so we couldn’t read it. From the Wisdom Walk, we went past the Tian Tan Buddha into town so we could have an early dinner, and get back to our hostel before dark.