Day 86 – Busan

By the time we woke up and got ready to leave, it was well past midday. We ended up going to the top of Lotte Department Store, which is a massive shopping centre. On the top is a very cool observatory floor / garden.

From here we watched the Yeongdodaegyo Bridge being lifted, which occurs daily at 2pm for 15 minutes. As a tourist it was cool, but I would imagine if you live in Busan, it would suck to be stuck in traffic for 15 minutes.

After this we headed to Busan Central Bus Terminal (Dongbu Intercity Bus Terminal) to buy tickets for our trip back to Seoul tomorrow. It was a good thing, we bought the tickets early as the bus we wanted was almost full.

We then caught the bus to the Busan Museum of Art. Some of the artwork was amazing. One of the cool exhibits was a Violin Concerto (showing until 17/02/2019).

When we left the Museum we could see people gathering around to the side, so we decided to follow and ended up in the middle of a Fortnite Festival, which was called Fortnite G Star Festival.

We then walked to Busan Shinsegae Shopping Centre. Some tourist information in Busan mentions that this shopping centre is the largest shopping centre in the world, but I could not find anything to collaborate this online. That being said, this shopping centre was massive, with a museum, golf driving range and an ice rink.

After a tip from a Busan local at our hostel, we went to check out Haeundae Beach at night time. The beach was full of people and some small part of the Fornite Festival was here too. One of the funniest things here was that fireworks are banned at the beach, yet walking from the train station to the beach, there was multiple stalls selling them. So naturally heaps of people were sending them up. And alone officer was driving up and down in a beach buggy telling people to stop. All I can say is he is one busy guy. The views of the city weren’t that great from the beach as I had hoped so we went back.

On the way, we saw a PC cafe and I needed to print some documents, so we went inside and asked the staff about printing. It could be done, but all the PCs were in Korean so we thought against it. However, the gaming rigs were incredible. Curved 30 inch screens *drool*. I definitely want to upgrade my computer back home once I’m back, hopefully for the new AOE =D

That night at the hostel we started talking to a Japanese guy, who thought Korea was more expensive than Japan, and an Ukrainian who has been travelling for 4 years and counting. By the time the conversation ended it was 2:30am.

We didn’t get a chance to see theses, but next time we come to Busan, I would want to check out the Lotte Department Store’s observatory / garden and the Gwangandaegyo Bridge at night time. Also we would try check out the Geumjeongsanseong Fortress.