Day 499 – Paso del Mango

Exploring Paso del Mango

Today we had another excellent breakfast at our guest house Sierra San Juan. After which, we went hunting for some nearby Indigenous Stairs. They were a little difficult to find since there was no signage and the location on the mobile app Maps.Me is incorrect

Once we finally found what we assumed was the entrance (through a barb wire fence), we had a short walk through the forest. The shaded walk was nice and then we found the stairs. Of course it was uphill, so we climbed up. 

There weren’t many stairs in the end. At the top there is a nice clearing and very small remains of the bases of ancient buildings. The round trip took less than half an hour.

Then we wanted to visit Pozo de Amor again. It was too crowded when we tried yesterday, but we got lucky today. There weren’t too many people today.

The water was cold but nice. There is a large swimming spot and several individual spots formed by rocks. After spending some time here, we walked back into town. 

For lunch we realised that there aren’t many options in town. We went to the hostel Carpa Diem, where they had already stopped the lunch service but snacks were still possible. Therefore, we just had a soup and guacamole with bread. Carpa Diem hostel was full of foreign tourists, which was surprising to see, since we hardly saw any tourists anywhere else.

Back at Sierra San Juan, I went to the view point, which has an excellent view of the area. As I was sitting on the large rocks a few birds landed on the trees near me, which was pretty cool.

The rest of the day involved relaxing at the guest house in the hammocks. We had dinner before hitting the hay, later in the night.  

Travelled January 2020