Day 487 – 491 – Minca

Third week of Spanish Lessons

This was the final week of Spanish Lessons at CREA. We took a break on Christmas Day, making up for the hours on another day. The final class on Friday was very sad. After 3 weeks, we had learnt so much and become friends with our teacher at CREA. It almost felt like the last day of high school.

Rest of the time

The rest of the time after classes was quiet. We had some girls stay in the dorm who left behind a bag of random items. Minca was their final destination after months of travelling. In the bag were some brand new earphones, which were perfect as my wife’s ones were missing. 

We did some study and watched the movie Eat Pray Love. This was the first time I had watched the movie. It was nice and distantly aligned with our experiences on this trip. And Italian sounds a lot like Spanish.

Just after Christmas, we met a couple of German motor bikers who were making their way up South America. They have a nicer blog and were meeting another German motor biker who was coming down North America. 

On one of the nights, we had what was described as an Argentinean style BBQ. Basically code for a meat BBQ. It was delicious but lighting the fire was really difficult. We resorted to dousing the wood in gasoline. I had never done this before and was expecting a gentle ignition, so when I put the lighter into the flame…lets say I was shocked. There was a massive fireball that burnt off the hair on my hands. Luckily the other guy only lost a few hairs also. I felt bad about hurting him and that kept me from really enjoying the rest of the night. Not one of my best moments.

Travelled December 2019