Day 439 – Llahuar to Fure

Colca Canyon Hike: Hotsprings to Waterfalls

Today we woke up early at Hostal Casa de Virgina. For breakfast we had pancakes before packing our bags. Before checking out, we purchased water to take along the hike. 

The hike from Llahuar to Fure is around 6km. The owner took us to the back of his property, which has an entrance to the path. I am unsure if it’s open for everyone, or just guests.

We left the hostel around 7.45am. The start of the hike was unfortunately uphill. 

The weight of the big backpack was getting to me, as one of my shoulders was starting to feel the pressure. However, we soldiered on. 

Then the trail mercifully flattened out. On the MAPS.ME App, it shows a small village along the way. As far as we could tell, it was abandoned. The trail was nice, following the river for most of the journey. 

After a few hours the trail started to go uphill once more. From the start of the journey the total elevation was around 600m. At midday, we arrived at Fure wassi Hostel. We were shown to our room, which were tiny. The mattress was too big for the room. 

However, the views of the valley were amazing. 

Catarata de Huaruro Waterfall

Then we decided to visit Catarata de Huaruro waterfall. The round trip took us 2.5 hours. The hike starts off going uphill, but without the weight of the backpacks, it felt easy. For most of the way, the trail is flat.

As we approached the waterfall, there was construction work for piping and on the trail. The viewpoint that appeared on the map was unreachable. An alternative path exists above the closed path, which we walked along for a bit. However, as it became more of a construction site, we turned around. Unfortunately, we only saw distant views of the waterfall.

Camp site

Once we got back to the hostel, we met the other tourists staying here. There were 4 other people in total. We had dinner together, which was prepared by the hostel. One of the tourists was a Kiwi camper, who was actually from the same hostel in Llahuar.

He started a camp fire, which we all gathered around. We chatted into the night until the fire went out. It was super cold, so we all went to sleep.