Day 420 – 421 – Paracas

Day 420

I woke up around 12.30am feeling unwell. I ran past my wife who was watching El Patron del Mal on Netflix to the bathroom and threw up. After a clean up, we went to sleep.

At 3 or 4am I was once again dry retching in the bathroom.

At a more respectful time of the day I woke up feeling horrible. I must have looked it too, as the chef was instantly concerned when she saw me. 

After breakfast I ran back to throw it all back out. It was horrible, anything I ate or drank would be thrown back out in less than 30 minutes.

I went back to bed to rest. My amazing wife went around town and bought me some medicine from a Pharmacy somewhere and adjusted our mini van tickets with Oltursa. They charged us 5 PEN ($2.17 AUD) per ticket to adjust them.

I was in no shape to travel. The staff at the hostel, must have felt really bad for me, as they walked me to the local Paracas hospital.

At the hospital, no one spoke English, which made things a little difficult. Using the little Spanish we know and Google Translate, we managed to explain the situation. The doctor gave me some prescriptions and said I would get an injection.

The entire process took around 30 minutes, and I left with a bunch of meds, an injection in my butt and it all cost me 15.50 PEN ($6.71 AUD). So much for claiming this on Travel Insurance!

The rest of the day I rested at the guest house Buganvilla B&B. I was able to keep down my dinner, which was a good sign.

Day 421  

For the entire day I was pampered by my wife for the few hours I was awake. I didn’t throw up at all and kept all my food down, which my wife prepared for me. I think I’m getting better. But I still don’t have an appetite.