Day 395 – Mancora to Guayaquil

Today was our last day in Peru. We packed our bags and asked the owner of the hotel, Casamar, if we could leave our bags here. He said that we can use the room until we needed to leave tonight. We thanked him and went out for lunch.

We decided to try another recommended restaurant called Jasusi for lunch. It’s a local seafood restaurant. The restaurant was on the other side of town in the less touristy part of town. Since the town is small, it didn’t take too long to get there.

After the delicious meal we went back to the souvenir market in the touristy part of town. We purchased some souvenirs for some friends in Ecuador. Then we went back to the hotel to chill.

Afterwards, we caught up with our friend from Chachapoyas/Chiclayo for a pizza. It wasn’t the best pizza, but we had a good time with her.

Then we went back to the hotel and picked up our bags. We dropped them off at the Civa terminal at 10pm. We didn’t want to be walking too late around town with our bags and we needed to check out any ways. Since we had some time until the bus arrived (scheduled for 11:30pm), we had some coffee from Cafe Coral. 

Later at 11.25pm a full Civa bus arrived on route to Ecuador. We got on and fell asleep.

The various bus options from Mancora to Guayaquil were;

  1. Cruz del Sol (Tuesday and Thursday to Sunday only) – 119 PEN ($52.85 AUD)
  2. Civa (11:30pm) – 90 PEN ($39.97 AUD) (on Red Bus App it’s 80 PEN ($35.53 AUD) but we couldn’t book it for some reason)
  3. Cifa (has really bad old reviews) – 65 PEN ($28.87 AUD)