Day 382 – Huaraz to Trujillo

Today we had to leave the beautiful town of Huaraz. In the morning, we purchased tickets with Linea using the Red Bus App. The tickets to Trujillo cost us 30 PEN ($13.28 AUD). Our Linea bus was really nice and the service was professional. 

We stopped for lunch around 12.30pm at Fogon Tourista Restaurante. It was a local restaurant with nice food. The best thing about the restaurant was the views of the surrounding valley.

Then we made our way to the coastal town of Trujillo. We had booked Hotel Alexander for a night. After walking from the terminal to the hotel we unwound in the great hotel room. By the time we showered and got ready, the sun was down.

We walked towards the main street to grab some dinner. We ended up at the Peru and Chinese fusion Chifa restaurant, Chifa El Cantones. The food was nice. From the main street in Chifa, we felt like the only tourists around. The busy streets were full of vendors, locals and a crazy amount of traffic. After this we just went back to the hotel to sleep.