Day 375 – Huaraz

Rest and Recovery Day

After all our hiking around Huaraz and the surrounding mountain ranges, we were tired. Today was our chill day. We had breakfast and lunch cooked at Akilpo Hostel before venturing out later in the day. We booked a multi day Santa Cruz Hike for tomorrow with Ganesa Tours. It cost us 350 PEN ($153.99 AUD) per person. The Santa Cruz Hike is a 4 day / 3 night hike through Huascaran National Park.

Besides resting, we packed our bags and bought supplies for the hike. My wife was a little (very) nervous about the cold during the hike, so she bought a new jacket. By using my best negotiating skills, “Discount por favor,” the salesman reduced the price from 115 PEN ($50.61 AUD) to 100 PEN ($44.01 AUD). We also ended up buying Travel Insurance for the rest of our travels using the company Travel Insurance Direct aka TID. Our travel insurance had expired after one year of travel. 

On a side note, Monday’s are not the best day to try taking out cash in Huaraz. All the locals cue up in massive lines outside ATMs.