Day 370 – Huaraz

Today was another rest day so we could acclimatise to the high altitude of Huaraz (3,000m). Even a short walk would still have us out of breath. We are definitely not enjoying the lack of oxygen. 

At lunch, we went back to the delicious Restaurant Turistico Eli’s for more cheap set menus. In contrast to last night, the restaurant was empty, with only one other group of people.

We took the opportunity to talk to several tour companies in regard to the various hikes that can be done in the region. All the tour agencies we went to were really professional, and spoke perfect English.

Archaeological Museum and Litico Park

Armed with the correct change in coins, we went back to the Archaeological Museum. The museum only cost 5 PEN ($2.19 AUD) per person. There are 3 levels to the museum, but each is very small and all the information is only in Spanish. We couldn’t understand most of it. There are some interesting skulls on the top level.

The garden, accessible from the bottom level, is nice and peaceful. It’s called Parque Litico (Litico Park). The many statues are interesting. Once again, not much information is provided.

The rest of the day was full of shopping at a supermarket, checking out the market (opposite the Akilpo Hostel) and finally having pizza at Antuco pizza.