Day 366 – Lima

Exploring more of Lima’s downtown

Today we heard about a few Free Walking Tours in Lima. However, we quickly learnt that all the tours start in the touristy suburb of Miraflores. We therefore decided to do our own walking tour after breakfast. As we were walking past Plaza San Martin, we actually saw a lady in a free walking tour jacket. We went up to her and asked if we could join her tour. She said of course. This was around 11.20am. Apparently the start of the tour is just using the bus network to get from Miraflores to Downtown Lima, so we didn’t miss out on anything.

Lima Free Walking Tour

Now that we had joined the free walking tour, we were essentially retracing our steps from yesterday (Day 365), but with explanations. The explanations were really informative and added some good context to what we were seeing.

In the Plaza de Armas de Lima, we saw the Changing of the Guard ceremony which starts at midday at the Government Palace of Peru. It goes on for a while, so the tour left before it had finished. We also purchased delicious churros from a place close to the San Francisco Convent.

The final stop was the Parque de la Muralla, which has an ancient wall, railway line and small 17th century ruins.

After a tip to the guide we went to the free Casa de la Literatura Peruana. Most of the exhibits are in Spanish, so we were unable to get the full impact of the museum.

After the museum, we went to a free near the main plaza to try a ‘must try’ dish called Ceviche. It was pretty expensive from the restaurant, El Pacifico. However, the meal was delicious and the portions were large, especially the seafood rice.

We then headed back to the hostel to chill for the rest of the day. We tried to purchase tickets to the Pan America Games, however, we kept having issues with the website.

Circuito Magico Del Agua

Come night time, we made our way to Parque de la Reserva to try and see the Circuito Magico Del Agua. Since we felt so safe yesterday with our failed attempt to visit, we decided to walk towards the park. It was opened today. Entrance is 4 PEN ($ AUD) per person and we highly recommend coming here.

Its essentially a water fountain theme park. Kids can interact with a few of the exhibits and expect to get 100% drenched. For everyone else, there are some super cool fountains. The main event is a show that occurs at 7:30, 8:30 and 9:30pm. The show occurs at the Fantasy fountain which is 120 metres long.

After the show, we continued around the park. This would honestly be even more amazing if it wasn’t freezing.

After the show, we decided to walk back to the walking street near our hostel. Here we had dinner before retiring to our hostel.