Day 320 – Xpujil to Campeche

Today we woke up and checked out of Hotel Chaac Calakmul after having breakfast. We walked to the bus station and got onto the waiting 11:30am bus. We had bought the tickets the night before, after visiting Calakmul (Day 319). The bus was a second class bus, with a company called Sur. The bus wasn’t luxurious like the typical ADO buses, but it was like a normal bus back home.  

There wasn’t much storage space under the bus. Our big backpacks struggled to fit, but this was mainly due to a chainsaw that was travelling with our luggage. The Sur bus from Xpujil, only had 4 passengers in total, including us. There was also some rubbish wrappers from other passengers on some of the seats. 

The bus left on time, and it was a pretty smooth journey to Campeche. We had a short 20 minute stop at the town of Escargo along the way, where we purchased lunch.  


From the Campeche Bus station we walked to our Airbnb, Casa Minimalista Recien Remodelada 3. The walk was easy and flat. The town has a large town vibe and the direction we were walking felt very residential. The airbnb was part of a gated community. The guard at the place didn’t speak any English, and was refusing us entrance. It was super annoying. The only reason he let us in, was that a girl who lived inside the community offered to take us to the airbnb. 

Once we made it to the house, we were greeted by the airbnb host’s mother. She didn’t speak English either, and the fact that we didn’t understand what she said didn’t stop her talking a lot. She showed us around the house. The kitchen was massive and so was the room. There was a very nice lounge and dining area also.

After settling in, we walked to a close by supermarket called Super Aki. As we left the gated community, the guard’s attitude was a lot better and he opened the gate for us with a smile.