Day 304 – San Cristobal de las Casas

After getting off the ADO GL Bus at 7am, it took us several minutes to reorientate ourselves in our new destination. Since we arrived so early we would not be able to check in to our accommodation, Casa Hamsa. However, we were able to drop our bags off. From the ADO terminal it was only a 1.4km walk. 

Once we got to the hotel, the host let us leave our bags in our room. There appeared to be an issue with the previous guest taking the room keys. The host could not speak any English so we mainly communicated via Google Translate. We were told to come back in the afternoon, as she would have the room key and the room would be cleaned. 

We walked into the main touristy street in town, called Real de Guadalupe. It was still pretty quiet in the morning. After walking up and down the street for a while we had a nice breakfast at Con Tenedor.

We still had heaps of time to kill so we walked towards the Zocalo (Centre Plaza). At the Zocalo, we went to Starbucks to chill and plan the rest of our time at San Cristobal. We also people watched for a while, and it was interesting that a lot of people were dressed in colourful traditional clothing.

After searching a few tour companies, we ended up signing up for a tour of the Sumidero Canyon (Canon Del Sumidero y Miradores) with Explorando Chiapas.

We headed back to the hotel, and were able to check into our room. We weren’t overly happy with the room. The location is great, and the host is nice, but the room didn’t feel too clean. Luckily my wife always carries a bed sheet and pillow cover around, so we were able to avoid using the questionable provided bed sheets.

Once we got hungry again we walked around for a while, before finding a Brazilian burger restaurant called El Brasileiro. The staff were really friendly and with broken Spanish we talked about Brazil. The food was a little expensive but it tasted really good. We would have an early day tomorrow, so we headed back to the hotel to get some sleep.