Day 263 – 288 – Sri Lanka

We arrived in Sri Lanka, early in the morning. An uncle was kind enough to pick us up. After the relatively recent Easter Bombings carried out by ISIS, the entire country was very tense. The airport was empty, and there were heaps of security measures that I have never seen before.  

When we were driving back to our place, we received a call, saying that terrorists were going through the village cutting people with swords. This was at 5am in the morning. There was lots of false information going around. To be on the safe side we stayed at my uncle’s place to catch a few hours of sleep before heading to our family home.

During the funeral period, we spent a lot of time with family. After, we tried to run some errands on behalf of other family members. It was a very different trip to when we were first travelling there.  

We stayed for a total of 26 days, and really didn’t have a plan on where we would go next until our final week.