Day 168 – Vientiane to Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA

Big City Life

Today we woke up before sunrise, to pack before hopefully meeting the tuk tuk driver from the night market. When we went downstairs he was waiting for us. =D We were glad to have organised this before hand, as there wasn’t really any other activity in the morning.

We arrived at Vientiane Airport, which is a very small airport. I don’t think many people go through here. There were no departure cards available, so we had to get it from the immigration officer. The 1st officer only had one card, the 2nd had none, and the 3rd office gave us one more card. It’s a bit strange to have to ask for departure cards. If we had arrived into the country by plane, I think we would already have this, but since we came by bus there was no paperwork.

Our flight from Laos to Malaysia was uneventful.

Once in Malaysia with some assistance from the airport information centre, we caught a bus to Pudu Sentral for 12 MYR (Malaysian Ringgits) / $4.11 AUD each. We then walked to our hostel, Dorms KL 2 that was close by. It was amazing to be back in a culturally deserve city, which reminded me a lot of Melbourne, if Melbourne was bigger and more tropical.

After settling into our room, we went to grab lunch at Nandos. The staff were really friendly, screaming out at all new customers “WELCOME TO NANADOOOOS!” One of the coolest Nandos experiences of my life, just because of the staff. On the way back to the hostel, the heavens opened up. We waited around 10 minutes but it didn’t calm down so we walked back in the rain. As soon as we got back, of course it stopped raining.

My wife, was not feeling great, so she decided to have a nap, while I made some bookings for Penang Island. We woke up at close to midnight, and decided to find something to eat. Close to the Nandos, was a old timer with a portable store, cooking burgers. We ate some. They were delicious…or we were super hungry.