Day 16 – Pasikuda

It was early in the morning just after 4am when we left home for our first road trip in Sri Lanka with my wife’s cousin and husband. My cousin-in-law drove the entire ~260km with only a few stops for breakfast and lunch. Solid effort.

View from lobby of Passi Villas

Once we reached the accommodation Passi Villas it was definitely a step up from our normal living conditions. This was the first place and probably will be the last place to have a pool! But whose complaining.

The rooms were massive, with palm tree views, which unfortunately block the beach views. After relaxing (falling asleep for a few hours) we all got up and walked down the beach for a dip in the water (right outside our hotel is rocks but further down less than 200 meters is smooth sand. The water was really shallow for a long way out, so we were able to find our own patch of ocean to chill in.

After the ocean swim, we hit the pool just for kicks. After a while we went to the hotels restaurant for dinner. We decided to order from the menu instead of having the buffet. After a while we asked about our order, and it seems they had actually forgot it somehow. We were offered free soup and salad from the buffet while we waited.

All in all a good day. Definitely the most lazy day since we started this travelling lifestyle. =D

Oh also! Cousins had bought a surprise cake for my birthday! Cake number 3. Big Thank you Aiya and Akki!