Day 153 – Luang Prabang

Golden Temples and Thrones

Today after lunch we decided to explore the sites of Luang Prabang. We started with the Royal Palace Museum. The museum costs 30,000 LAK / $4.91 per person. The Royal Palace was built in 1904 and was used up until 1975, when the communist party came to power. It was then turned into a museum. No photos or bags are allowed inside the buildings. The museum grounds contains the Haw Pra Bang Temple (which can be seen from the street), a small car collection and the main palace. The palace is nicely decorated, and the main throne room has a large mural, covering the walls. This room was the highlight for me.

We then walked to Vat Xieng Thong Sayaroharamathibodimahavihanh (called “Vat Xieng Thong” on Google Maps). These temple grounds consist of two main temples and a few stupas. One of the temples was decorated in a fashion of the murals in the Royal Palace Museum’s throne room, which is very cool. The entrance fee was 20,000 LAK / $3.27 AUD per person.