Day 131 – Hue

Walking around the ancient capital of Hue

Happy New Year!!! (Will catch up…eventually)

Today we woke up early, and had breakfast at the Shark Hostel, but we took forever to get ready. By the time, we were ready, it was well past lunch time. Oooops. We ended up buying some bus tickets for tomorrow and then having lunch at The Rustic Kitchen, that had really nice food.

We then walked to the Imperial City. Along the way, we passed a massive monument with a large Vietnamese Flag blowing in the wind. It was quite cool to see. It had some cannons decorating the outside of the monument.

We then tried to get into the Imperial City, but it was already closed for the day. Therefore, we decided to walk along the outside wall/moat of the Imperial City. Even this walk is nice, as the walls are in immaculate condition and the gates decorated lavishly.

We walked through a market that the hostel had mentioned, but this too was closing. The few shops that were open, mainly had snacks, clothing and toys. We walked back home and grabbed dinner, on an overall uneventful start to the new year, which was still too cold for my taste.