
  • What Now!

    Wow, thought I would dust out the old laptop and log back into my blog! Its been a while and just thinking about the adventure of a lifetime just brings a smile to my face. Thank you for all the readers throughout the last couple of years who kept coming to the website. Hopefully you […]

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  • Day 63 – Hiroshima

    Today we went back to the Peace Park with our Canadian friend, just to take some more snaps during the day. The Park was a lot busier than last night with everyone crowded around the Atomic Bomb Dome. From there, we walked to Hiroshima Castle, which is close by. The Castle is a lot smaller […]

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  • Hello World Part 2

    Recap session to get everyone up to date with the last few weeks

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  • Hello World

    Welcome to Travel the Gap! My wife and I have both given our resignations to work and we are preparing to backpack around the world for the next 12 – 18 months. This blog will be a record of the places we visit. This my first ever blog, so please forgive me if I sound […]

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